Enrichment Opportunities
We believe that Enrichment programs are a vital part of a well-rounded education and a key component of the Sea Crest learning experience. Opportunities for students to explore subjects such as Physical Education, Visual Arts, Spanish, Music, Makerspace, Theatre Arts, and Technology, help students to foster creativity, cultivate new skills, discover personal talents and affinities, and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the breadth of human experience. We believe that introducing students to these subjects from a young age has a lifelong positive impact on their learning and understanding of themselves and others.
Primary Division
JK-1st Grade
The enrichment program offers students an engaging introduction into the performing and visual arts, making, physical education, and Spanish.
In Jr. Makers class, the students have the opportunity to build and tinker in the iLab while exploring STEAM concepts in hands-on applications. Students visit the Art Studio to work with a variety of tools and mediums to explore color, line, shape, and form, as well as the creative process. Physical Education classes promote the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. Activities develop balance, cross-motor coordination, strength, and cardiovascular health, while introducing basic skills (throwing, catching, skipping, hopping, stretching, etc.) and teamwork. |
Students also participate in weekly Spanish classes that provide an introduction to everyday vocabulary and common phrases through the use of stories, games, and fun activities. |
secondary Division
2nd-4th Grade
Students in the Secondary grades further enrich their learning through specialist classes.
In Music, they study musical notation and learn about composition. Through experiences with percussion instruments, recorders, and ukuleles, students learn about instrumentation and the wide variety of musical genres and styles that exist.
In Theater Arts, students fine tune their public speaking skills and learn how to improvise and be part of an ensemble.
In Makers class, students learn about the design process and the importance of persistence and iteration as they work to solve real world design challenges. Students also learn to utilize technological tools for making, such as coding, graphic design, 3D printing, and laser cutters.
In the Art Studio, students continue to explore visual arts concepts while beginning to view art tools and mediums as a means of self expression. Students learn about art history with an emphasis on exploring art forms, styles, and movements through the work of famous artists.
In Physical Education, students are introduced to a variety of games and sports with an emphasis on individual skill development, collaboration, and good sportsmanship.
Spanish instruction expands to include more opportunities to read and write in the target language, as well as an introduction to basic grammar and an exploration of Spanish speaking countries and their cultural traditions.
5th-8th Grade
Students are empowered to have more choice and voice in their enrichment learning. Upper School Exploration classes are designed to offer students the opportunity to further their learning and discover areas of personal affinity in preparation for the transition to high school programs.
All 5th and 6th grade students work in conjunction with the music teacher to select an instrument to play as part of our two-year intro to Band program. In addition, 5th and 6th students participate in introductory Exploration classes over the first semester in Theater Arts, Visual Arts, Technology, and Makers, and select an area of interest to explore further in the second semester.
In the 7th and 8th grades, students select their Exploration courses for both semesters with the opportunity to dig into more advanced concepts. The Advanced Band program creates a space for students to explore different instruments, work as a creative ensemble, select the music and genres they want to play, and perform regularly for community and coastal events.
The Theater Arts program collaborates with the SF Opera in the fall where students get the chance to perform alongside professional opera singers. In the second semester, Upper School students have the opportunity to audition for roles in the spring School Musical that is performed at the Coastal Rep Theater.
Art Studio classes provide a deeper exploration of art forms and genres, including painting, sketching, sculpture, muralism, ceramics, and printmaking with an emphasis on the creative process and self expression.
Maker classes offer students increasing skill development with woodworking tools, electronic circuitry, robotics, 3D printing, and engineering, while working on collaborative design projects. In spring, Maker class students also have the opportunity to help design and build the set for the school musical and work as part of the backstage crew.
Exploration offerings expand in the 7th & 8th grades to include advanced coding, photography, chess, and leadership.
Enrichment classes are also offered through our Extended Day Program. Click here to learn more.